Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Role - Transitive

What power I wield as a creator & actor in a role playing environment!
It is similar to reality, only on a scale of shameless fiat.
I can do things everyday, but am limited by my physical dexterity. In role playing, the act of speaking something is so is taken at face value.
The trouble is that I, as a human, cannot keep them exclusive.
While I am composed of a mishmash of ideas & possibilities, I am one being & can only endure so much contradiction before splitting into breakdowns of emotion. Whether I laugh it off or cry over it, I cannot deny it affects me.

This is slightly troubling. I try on a different skin or mindset, but beneath the glamour, I remain distinctly myself. Thinking & acting like the character leads to a part of me becoming invested in that vein. But veins can bleed & life leaks out. What to do about the mess? It is an experiment, & while I have an idea of how I might like things to end, there are other scientists involved.

This is chemistry, combining character's lines & edges to interact with & react to each other. This is the exciting bit where the product could spin on a dime. Whether to rein back from confrontations or to let loose into the flow, it is tricky to maintain the right balance.
Perhaps there is no true balance that satisfies everyone involved. Which leads to the next point: fellow scientists & even observers can become invested in my character's outcome as well! I have to assume a certain amount of responsibility for my avatar's actions & their consequences. As if real life isn't complicated enough by them, consequences leak into this world as well.
Emotions & tensions rise, leading to moments of euphoric accomplishment, as well as guiltiness when things spiral outside my boundaries of comfort. How much of myself is given to the perusal of everyone else? Why should they mind however I choose to elevate or annihilate my characters? They are mine to do as I please.

Though, if God had this mindset, our deterministic lives might not carry any lasting joy. I know mine would not. Who are we to question God? How great is He to listen to our sentiments? Humor is truly a Divine gift... We who are finite try to judge the infinite. How delighted He must be when we catch a glimpse of the eternal. Like a child grasping the significance of a vexing math problem. But I digress...
It is the spark of free will - of risk that everything can go wrong - which makes the maintenance of the everyday equilibrium into an exciting endeavor. What curious power we lend to authors, actors, & audiences when we allow them to dictate how something should be portrayed.
The first has absolute ideas of how it should be; the second for how to demonstrate/communicate this into reality; the last group decides whether they liked, understood, supported, believed, & so many other things.
There cannot be any lasting hope of pleasing everyone for any significant length of time in this three way tug of war, but it is indeed a spectacle to see when, for one moment, they agree that there is a greater reality for this having come to pass.
Communication through art is beautiful. Maybe even "One of the most fascinating phenomena of the human experience." We play so that we might experiment & understand our work & purpose while we draw breath. Thank God for giving us this spark of the divine creativity to enlighten the hearts & minds of humanity.

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