I am unsure of what to title the purpose of this endeavor. Suffice to say, we all attempt to put upon our best face when the environment's gaze sweeps our visages. I apologize in advance for the awkwardly pretentious language in which I indulge throughout this work. Life is a tapestry, in which many threads and people are involved, sometimes entangling so tightly that there appears no beginning. I was able to salvage portions of my personal library when I set out upon my own. The holy Bible of my Christ-honoring heritage put it well in the opening words of the gospel of John.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of man. And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
Is that not an arresting start to a tale? Sooner or later we all feel this darkness - this world has become treacherous of late. Some would attribute its decay as a loss of religion and the unified mind it promises. That is but a symptom to the main disease - mankind has reached a state of mind in which individualism is encouraged while uniformity is expected. The struggle between the message that humans are free to choose while expected to conform has resulted in many successful teen angst novels and the excellent satire of old. It causes me to recall the concept of "Doublespeak" in George Orwell's classic dystopian work 1984.
Humans do not function best when given the expectation of a dualistic life. It is self destructive, and creates a loose pattern of three groups - Those who struggle daily to reconcile their thoughts to their actions, those who suppress one nature to embrace the other, and finally, those who break the mold and live instinctively as a beast. This last group casts off intellectualism as a burden and lives in the moment.
These are not clear cut groups; though a minority might choose to stubbornly remain in their groups and resist change, Innovation and decay ensure that life cannot be lived in a stagnant state. Humans have such an interesting capacity to learn, to absorb their surrounding environment and decipher the means to react and survive. Infants grow exponentially in their physical, emotional, and mental capacities. It is such a pity that the everyday routine erodes our sense of childlike wonder. To have disease, pain, and death acts as a contrast from which to hold more dearly the times of health, joy, and life that awaits the majority of humanity on a daily basis. Sadly, it takes the absence of these extra-ordinary blessings to cause us to realize how truly dear they are to experience.
As I travel this dusty road as a sojourner, hope fills my heart. I am grateful for my possessions, but even more in thrall of the Provider from whom I received these tools and objects. I will attempt to record more of my circumstances on the morrow, as my time of rest waxes quickly.
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