Saturday, October 15, 2011

Doozy - Rarely

Everything looks easier for us now, and sometimes it really is. But for the small voice whispering - "Don't be fooled, prepare for everything." I need to listen to this voice more often, given the pause I will have in academics for the next few days.

I plan to spend my break studying the concepts and mechanics of the subjects I am undertaking this semester - for far too long I have sat upon my brain, expecting that my pattern recognition will win me a decent grade. I know I am smart, but to be brilliant and set apart takes some dedication.

Some classes take less upkeep and studying than the core material. Others are difficult to the point of straining the time budget you originally allotted. I need to remember that not everyone has my gifts and weaknesses. For every savvy student, there is a struggling one thinking "Man! I wish I had it as together as _______." This thought is sobering in two ways - "It is not only me that is having trouble" as well as the answer for times when I think "This section easy - why spend so much time on it in class?" It is a good thing to remember in the easy classes feeling like the ideal, and in the hard classes knowing that not everyone is as good as they seem.

We all need reminders and encouragement. But not only for the obvious feeling of comfort, but for the longer effect of living out what you say and what is said about you.
We can't meet all others' expectations, but hey, if we are putting forth our best. God will settle accounts better than we can comprehend.

I am not always as clever as I wish I could be, but I have my moments of inspiration.

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