Thursday, August 25, 2011

Faceless - Barrier

I walk through crowds who part my way
A sight in denim, polarized sunshades paint world in grey.
I run with a burden on my back -
Daring the world to try an attack.
My coat flies freely in the breeze,
I am armored in a black shirt and jeans.
My helmet is a baseball brim,
Slanted backwards with sweat-stained trim.
I am released into the sun,
I gaze at the throng, observing everyone.
I watch as they laugh and giggle with glee
They are caught up in a bubble of their own,
They do not notice me.
Corner of their eye, edge of their vision.
It is Someone Else's problem, not one that they are given.
Fortunately, I am benign -
I am silent out of interest, for I may be quite shy.
Though I know that their are others like me.
Who thirst for contact and interactions like water for trees.
I have great friends who listen with care,
While the quiet majority fade under curtains of hair.
They are defensive to phantom dangers lurking out there.
Being introverted is a habit of mine,
But I should look out and engage one day at a time.
For who can measure the restoration of a timely word?
The kindness of strangers given with merit unearned?
I thank those who coaxed me from my shell
If I had not been blessed with friends, this would be my testimony as well.

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